Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's blog time

I've been wanting to start a blog for well over a year now.  I figured I wouldn't keep up with it, thought it would be too time consuming, and I didn't know if I'd have enough things to write about.

Well now I am finally taking the plunge.  This is my first and only blog, Pro STL.  I think not coming up with a clever name is probably another reason I never started blogging before.  Obviously I gave up in that respect.  My main focus will be on writing about day to day life in St. Louis, mainly focusing on the city and urban areas.  The "Pro" part of the name stems from the fact that I am a die hard St. Louis booster and spend way too much time battling the "Anti" crowd.  I also want to promote the area and my politics are on the progressive side of things.  So I guess you could say it fit.

My goal is to just write about my ideas, thoughts, and impressions of day to day life in the city of St. Louis.  I'm an optimist by nature so I am sure my writing will seem a bit too positive at times.  But I can't help it, I love this city.  Of course it faces huge obstacles, challenges, and it certainly isn't a utopia by any means.  I want to write about it all and add my voice the chorus of awesome St. Louis blogs.

About me...I'm 25, and have lived in the St. Louis area my whole life.  I consider myself fairly well traveled and love to experience other cities as well.  My parents were both born and bred south siders and I spent the first 10 years of my life in south city too before moving to south county where I graduated high school (no I am not telling you where from).  I received my BA in Political Science from UMSL in May 2008 and currently work for the Federal Government in downtown St. Louis.

In May of 2009 my girlfriend and I bought a house in the North Hampton neighborhood in south city.  I will write more about that, but that's when my outlook and attitude towards St. Louis changed completely.  I love the city and I can't wait to write more about it.  Stay tuned!


  1. Good luck with the blog...we can't have enough perspectives on St. Louis city living...
